Michael GRENEY

Michael Greney & Margaret Shine Greney

Michael Greney was the son of Patrick Greney and Ellen Curtin Greney.  He was born 13 Sep 1870 in Newmarket, County Cork, Ireland (Barony: Duhallow; Parish: Clonfert).  Michael was an only child.

In 1901, 30 year old Michael was living with his parents at 204 Newmarket.  About a mile away at 9 Garraunawarrig Lower in Newmarket lived Margaret Shine, the daughter of Jeremiah and Mary Sullivan Shine.  At some point Michael and Margaret met and in 1902 they were married.  Michael made his living as a carpenter. 

Newmarket, Cork, Ireland
Margaret Shine Greney in her wedding dress

Michael and Margaret had four children:
  1.   Patrick Joseph  b: 1903    d: 1980
  2.   Ellen Mary        b: 1905    d:  2001
  3.   Mary (May)       b: 1907   d:  1924
  4.   Margaret          b: 1908    d:  1958
Sadly, Margaret became a young widow when in March 1909, Michael Greney died in the Kanturk workhouse.  Originally workhouses were created to feed and house the destitute in return for labor; but beginning in 1862, the Poor relief Act  allowed for any "poor person" - i.e. those who were poor but not sufficiently destitute to require entry into the workhouse, to be admitted to the workhouse for medical care.  Presumably, that's why Michael was there.  His death certificate states the cause of death as enteric fever/congestion of lungs/heart failure.  Enteric fever is also known as typhoid fever.

Margaret and children
(L to R) May, Nellie, Patrick, Margaret

Mararet Greney with her children Nellie (baby) and Patrick
Abt 1905

In 1911, Margaret was living on Chapel Lane in Newmarket with her son, Patrick, and her daughter, Nellie (Ellen/Helen).  Her two youngest children, Mary and Margaret, were living at Garraunawarrig Lower in Newmarket with her mother, Mary Shine, her brother, Jerry, and her sister, Julia.  In his narrative "The Shines of Granavorig", Donal Shine remembers his Aunt Margaret as being  "the very personification of compassion and kindness.  She was an extraordinarily good person in even (sic) so many ways."

Patrick Joseph Greney, or Paddy as he was called, followed in his father's footsteps and became a carpenter.  He worked out of his father's workshop in the back of the house in Newmarket.   He never married and died in 1980.

Greney headstone
Margaret Shine Greney in front of her house in Newmarket
with her son, Paddy.  Not sure who the woman is.

Ellen (Nellie, Helen) Greney, age 3 years.

Ellen Mary (Helen/Nellie) Greney, my grandmother, emigrated to the United States when she was 17 years old and worked as a domestic.  In 1931, she married Michael Joseph Shea and they had four children.  You can read more about them [here].

Mary (or May) Greney died at age 17.

Helen and Sister Mary Althea

Margaret Greney went with some local girls to a convent in America and became a nun. She was known as Sister Mary Althea.  She died of cancer in 1958.

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