Edward Owen DEERY

Edward Deery & Catherine Jane Driscoll

Edward O. Deery
Edward Owen Deery was born in Ware, Massachusetts 16 July 1859 to Owen Deery and Maria  Feehan.  Edward’s mother, Maria, died of typhoid fever when he was a year old.  His dad remarried in 1862 to Ellen Rowe.  

I lost track of the family and was not able to find any of them in the 1880 census.  Edward would have been about 21 years old.  I found an Edward Deary living in Worcester, MA and working in a cotton mill.  I can’t prove or disprove that he is the Edward Deery I’ve been following.  

Nevertheless,  Edward married Catherine Jane Driscoll, daughter of Mary (Sullivan) and Mathias Driscoll,  on 2 April1892 at All Saints Church in Ware, Massachusetts.  Catherine ( aka Jennie) was making her living as a milliner at the time of her marriage.  His occupation at the time of his marriage was machinist; but by 1900 his occupation was listed as life insurance salesman.

Catherine and Edward lived in Ware, Massachusetts and had seven children.

  1. Baby Boy  (twin)    b:  18 Dec 1891   d:  18 Dec 1891
  2. Mary (twin)           b:  18 Dec 1891   d:  19 Jul  1899
  3. James Anthony      b:  25 Nov 1893   d:  20 Nov 1956
  4. Anne Elizabeth      b:    5 Nov 1895  d:  20 Aug 1970
  5. Leo Benedict         b:  23 Sep 1897   d:  13 Apr 1976
  6. Edward Owen        b:  17 Apr 1900   d:      Dec 1978
  7. Paul Joseph           b:  21 Apr 1905   d:  21 Jan 1987

By 1910, the Deery family had moved from Ware to Worcester, Massachusetts.  Edward died in 1938 at St. Vincent's Hospital in Worcester, Massachusetts of pertonitis caused by perforation of a gastric ulcer.  Catherine died in 1953 (93 yrs.) of generalized arteriosclerosis.

Catherine Jane Driscoll

In 1891, Catherine gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl.  The boy was stillborn.  The girl, Mary, died in 1899.  The cause of death was listed as heart disease. 

James Anthony became a priest and was pastor of St. Patrick’s Church in Whitinsville, Massachusetts in 1945.  He was responsible for the bulding of  St. Patrick’s School on Cross Street in Whitinsville, in 1952.  On November 20, 1956, Pastor Rt, Rev, Msgr. James A. Deery passed away after a long illness of several months.

Rev. James Deery

Anne Elizabeth married Philip Joseph O’Connor; more on Anne and Philip here.

Leo Benedict Deery was a draftsman in construction up to the 1940 census..  At age 40, he married Elinor.  The 1940 census shows his occupationed changed and he was now  a policeman for the City of Worcester.  He joined the Navy in 1943 and was part of the construction battalion, the “SeaBees”.  He left the Navy in 1945 and became a Sergeant in the Worcester police department.  He died in 1976 in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Leo B. Deery
Around 21 yrs of age, Edward Owen Deery, Jr. moved to New York.  He lived at 160 W. Ninety-sixth Street.  He made his living as an Ingraver in the photography field.  (I’m not sure exactly what that was since film cameras were in use by this time).   He met and married Lillian Master who, at the time, worked at the New York Times.  They were married by his brother, Rev. James Deery, at St. Bernard’s Church in Worcester, Massachusetts on June 1, 1922.   Lillian and Edward had two children, Jane and Edward.  Edward died in December, 1978 in Flushing, New York.

Paul Joseph Deery, born in 1905, was the youngest of the Deery clan.  He attended Holy Cross College and enlisted in the U.S. Army from 1942 to 1945.  At age 48, he married Dorothy Piercy.  Like his father, Paul was an insurance salesman.  He died in January, 1987.

Descendants of Benjamin Sullivan

Generation 1

1.   Dennis Sullivan~m~ Mary ??
    2.   i.    Benjamin ~m~ Catherine ??

Generation 2
    3.    i.    Mary Sullivan ~m~ Mathias Driscoll
ii.   Catherine
             iii.  Bridget
             i.    Mary Ellen 
             ii.   ??Dennis
      4.    iii.  Catherine Jane (Jennie)~m~ Edward Owen Deery
             iv.  Hanora (Anna)

             i.    Boy Deery  (twin)
             ii.   Mary Deery  (twin)
            iii.  James Anthony Deery
              v.  Leo Benedict Deery ~m~ Elinor E. ??
      6.    vi.  Edward O. Deery Jr. ~m~ Lillian Master
      7.   vii.  Paul Joseph Deery ~m~ Dorothy Piercy

              i.    (See O'Connor descendants)

6.   Edward O. Deery Jr. ~m~ Lillian Master
              i.   Jane
             ii.   Edward

7.   Paul Joseph Deery ~m~ Dorothy Piercy
              i.   Paul
             ii.   James
            iii.   Mary (twin)
            iv.   Baby Deery (twin)

Driscoll Naturalization Documents

Mathias Driscoll's Naturalization Document

Mathias Driscoll Naturalization Document2


Mathias Driscoll & Mary Sullivan Driscoll

This was a difficult family to trace due to the common names.  Apparently every Irish family felt the need to have a Mary and a Jennie in their family.  “Driscoll”  is a fairly common surname; and Mathias and/or Driscoll was spelled differently in many of the records (Mathias, Mathius, Matthius, Driscoll, Driscole, Driscall to name a few)

My dad’s family history shows that Catherine Jane (aka Jennie)  Driscoll's father was Dennis Driscoll.  I was able to get a copy of her birth certificate that shows her father was Mathias Driscoll.  The marriage record I found for Mathias Driscoll and Mary Sullivan states that Mathias’ father was Dennis Driscoll.  

Mathias was born on May 14, 1832 in County Limerick, Ireland.  My dad’s notes say he was from County Cork, but the naturalization papers say he was from County Limerick. According to the Naturalization documents, Mathias came to the United States in 1850 arriving in Boston, Massachusetts on 3 May.  He was 17 years old, just days short of his 18th birthday.  He became a citizen on 4 April 1856.  I found a copy of his Naturalization documents at the National Archive and obtained a copy.  They can be found here.  Unfortunately, the naturalization documents did not document the ship on which he arrived.  I have not been able to find him on any passenger lists so far. He might have come to the U.S. with family or by himself.

On  28 Feb 1856, Mathias married Mary SULLIVAN, daughter of Benjamin and Catherine SULLIVAN .  Mathias and Mary had 3, possibly 4 children.   In the 1860 census I find who I think are Mary Driscoll and her first 3 children living with her parents, Benjamin and Catherine Sullivan, and her sisters, Bridget and Catherine Sullivan.  

There is a  Mary “Glisty” (age 27) and her Massachusetts born children - Mary, age 4, Dennis, age 2 and Jane, age 3/12.  (I’m confused about the “Glisty” as last name or maybe abbreviated middle name.  It may not be transcribed properly but it doesn't look like Driscoll. )  All the ages match the birth records I have for their children except for Dennis.  I have never found a birth or death record for Dennis.  He is not listed with the family in the 1870 census.   Irish tradition at this time usually has the first son named after the paternal grandfather; so a boy named Dennis isn’t unlikely.  But he seemed to have disappeared between 1860 and 1870.

Curiously enough, Mathias is not listed with the family in any of the census records.  His occupation is listed as operative which usually means he worked in a textile mill.   There are plenty of Mathias Driscolls listed as boarders in other parts of Massachusetts so he may have been working in a location apart from his family. But without family information on the census with him I have no way of identifying the correct Mathias Driscoll.  I’ve been told that around 1863  Mathias left his family to look for gold out west and he became very wealthy.  I’ve never found any documents to support this particular story.

Mathias and Mary’s children were:
  1. Mary Ellen         b:  7 Mar 1857
  2. (?)Dennis            b:   abt 1858
  3. Catherine Jane   b:  23 Feb 1860    d:  8 Apr 1953
  4. Hanora (Anna)    b:  5 Aug. 1862

In the 1870 census, Mary Driscoll was working as a weaver in a cotton mill.  She was living with her three daughters, Mary, Jennie and Anna.  I couldn't find them after the 1870 census so I assume they were no longer living as a family unit.  The youngest daughter, Anna, would have been about 18 or 19 years old in 1880.  I found several Anna Driscolls living as "servants" in other households.  

Descendants of John Connors

Generation 1

           ii.   John O’Connor ~m~ Ellen ?
           iii.   Michael O’Connor
  3.   iv.   Maurice J. Connors ~m~ Delia J. Kelly 
            v.    James O’Connor
           vi.   Mary O’Connor

Generation 2
    4.    i.    Mary Theresa ~m~ John Peter Scott
5. ii.   John Thomas ~m~ Mary Flynn
             iii.  Margaret
      6.    iv.   Philip Joseph ~m~ Anne Elizabeth Deery 
             v.    Katherine G.
3.   Maurice J. Connors ~m~ Delia J. Kelly
             i.    Frederick William  

Generation 3

4.   Mary Theresa O’Connor ~m~ John Peter Scott
           i.    John Peter Jr.
7. ii.   Mary Elizabeth ~m~ Robert Patrick Donahue
             iii.  Margaret Anne ~m~ John Mackintire
5.   John Thomas O'Connor ~m~ Mary Flynn
             i.    John
ii. Robert Redmond
8. iii. Marilyn ~m~ Philip Bailey  
Generation 4

7.   Mary Elizabeth Scott ~m~ Robert Patrick Donahue
           i.    Virginia Mary ~m~ James Latino
             ii.   "Boy" Donahue
             iii.  Christina Mary ~m~ Michael Matthews
             iv.   Mark Thomas ~m~ Mary Judith Datlis
             v.    Patricia Ann ~m~ Paul Brosnihan
             vi.   Mary Teresa ~m~ Guy Angers
             vii.  Robert John ~m~ Jane Dumas

8.   Marilyn O'Connor ~m~ Philip Bailey
           i.    Scott
             ii.   Sharon

9.   Anne Therese O'Connor ~m~ Thomas Aquinas Timlin  
      13.  i.    Margaret Anne ~m~ Michael Majsak
14. ii.   Mary Agnes (Molly) ~m~ Jerry Tritt
      15.  iii.  Catherine Theresa ~m~ Christopher Shaw
      16.   iv.   Patricia Louise ~m~ Kenneth Jasper
              v.    Sally Anne
              vi.   Susan Marie ~m~ Rufus Reynolds

      17.   i.    Anne Elizabeth ~m~ Christopher Lawrence Luvisi
      18.   ii.   Kathleen Mary ~m~ Kurt Douglas Courter
      19.   iii.  James Philip ~m~ Karen Sue Goddard
      20.   iv.   John Michael ~m~ Megan Elizabeth Janusz
      21.   v.    Maureen Beth ~m~ Michael Alan Smith
      22.   vi.   Megan Patricia ~m~ Gregory Tomczyk 

      23.   i.    John Paul ~m~ Allison Lunde
      24.   ii.    Francis Philip~m~ Sarah Nelson
      25.   iii.   Kathleen Ann ~m~ Nicholas Schneider 

      26.   i.    William Paul ~m~ Sandra Lynn Davis
      27.   ii.   Margaret Mary ~m~ William Carroll Peterson
      28.   iii.  Philip Edward ~m~Kimberly Kovach
              iv.   Robert James
      29.   v.    Paul Joseph ~m~ Jodi Shipman
      30.   vi.   Brian Thomas ~m~ Lori Roberts
      31.   vii.  Kevin Michael ~m~ Gina Marinucci
      32.   viii. Mary Kay ~m~ Thad Tokash

Generation 5

13.   Margaret Anne Timlin ~m~ Michael Majsak
           i.    Marisa Anne
             ii.   Christopher Michael
            iii.   Ryan Thomas

14.   Mary Agnes (Molly) Timlin ~m~ Jerry Tritt
            i.    Brendon Timlin
              ii.   Kevin Thomas
             iii.   Colleen Anne

15.   Catherine Therese Timlin ~m~ Christopher Shaw
            i.    Megan Therese
              ii.   Kristen Lake
             iii.    Connor Allen

16.   Patricia Louise Timlin ~m~ Kenneth Jasper
            i.    Thomas Fitzpatrick ~m~ Sara Beachler
              ii.   Daniel Morrison
             iii.    Polly Anne

17.   Anne Elizabeth O'Connor ~m~ Christopher Lawrence Luvisi
            i.    Hayden Connor
              ii.   Catherine Shea~m~ Jared McClain

18.   Kathleen Mary O'Connor ~m~ Kurt Douglas Courter
     32.   i.    Andrew Michael ~m~ Kelly Marie Bernthisal
              ii.   Colleen Mary

19.   James Philip O'Connor ~m~ Karen Sue Goddard
           i.    Katherine Francis
             ii.   Philip James

20.   John Michael O'Connor ~m~ Megan Elizabeth Janusz
           i.    Braeden Philip
             ii.   Kellan Rose
21.   Maureen Beth O'Connor ~m~ Michael Alan Smith
           i.    Anna Grace
             ii.   Griffin Michael
             iii.  Colin Philip

22.   Megan Patricia O'Connor ~m~ Gregory Tomczyk
           i.    Cara Scott
             ii.   Molly Shea
             iii.  Christopher Michael

23.   John Paul O'Connor ~m~ Allison Lunde
           i.    Fiona Lillian
             ii.   Keelin Mary

24.   Francis O'Connor ~m~ Sarah Nelson
           i.    Isla Jessica

25.   Kathleen Anne O'Connor ~m~ Nicholas Schneider
           i.    Cara Diane
             ii.   Connor Paul

26.   William Paul McHenry ~m~ Sandra Davis
           i.    Stacey Lynn ~m~ Paul Jacob Champion
             ii.   Andrea Renee

27.   Margaret Mary McHenry ~m~ William Carroll Peterson
             i.    Danielle Marie ~m~ Philip MacLaughlin
             ii.   Nicole Elizabeth ~m~ Thomas Norris
             iii.  Emily Carroll

28.   Philip Edward McHenry ~m~ Kimberly Kovach
             i.    Matthew Robert
           ii.   Alyssa Marie

29.   Paul Joseph McHenry ~m~ Jodi Shipman
             i.   Connor Joseph
             ii.  Keelee Shea

30.   Brian Thomas McHenry ~m~ Lori Roberts
             i.    Taylor Marie ~m~ Jordan Red
             ii.   Lauren Elizabeth
             iii.  Cassidy Jean
31.   Kevin Michael McHenry ~m~ Gina Marinucci
             i.    Kelly Marie
             ii.   Scott Anthony
32.   Mary Kay McHenry ~m~ Thaddeus James Tokash
             i.    Liam Francis
             ii.   Jacob Robert

Generation 6

32.   Andrew Michael Courter ~m~ Kelly Marie Bernthisal  
             i.    Riley Grace 
             ii.   Rowan Michael
             iii.  Samuel Thomas

33.   Catherine Shea Luvisi ~m~ Jared McClain
             i.    Winslow Rose

34.   Thomas Fitzpatrick ~m~ Sara Beachler
            i.     Perry Carson